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Computer Aided Drafting Career Options

CAD Careers

CAD professionals possess a unique combination of artistic, design, mechanical and mathematical aptitude. In the profession you will work alongside architects, contractors, engineers, manufacturing professionals, electronics technicians, and others. You will play a critical role in space planning and the design of structures, parts and products which are to be fabricated and produced. As a CAD professional, you should possess excellent communication skills, problem solving skills, spatial skills, and mechanical aptitude.

What can I do with a degree in CAD?

Depending on where you choose to emphasis your job title and activities may change. See each emphasis area's job titles below to see what you can do with each degree.

Mechanical Emphasis

Mechanical Drafters

Prepare detailed working diagrams of machinery and mechanical devices, including dimensions, fastening methods, and other engineering information.

Job Titles:

Robotics and Automation Emphasis

Electronic Drafters

Draw wiring diagrams, circuit board assembly diagrams, schematics, and layout drawings used for manufacturer, installation, programming robotic systems, soldering, Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC).

Job Titles:

HVAC Emphasis

HVAC Drafters

Prepare detailed working diagrams of heating, ventilation, air conditioning and plumbing mechanical systems including dimensions, fastening methods, and other information.

Job Titles:

Earnings Outlook

Manufacturing Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services

Link to https://www.onetonline.org/find/quick?s=computer+aided+drafting for more information about this career.



Professional Organizations

American National Standards Institute

American Society of Mechanical Engineers

American Society for Quality

American Society of Transportation and Logistics

American Welding Society

Association for Operation Management

Fabricators and Manufacturers Association

International Fluid Power Society

International Organization for Standards

International Society of Automation

Manufacturing Skill Standards Council

National Institute for Metalworking Skills

North American Die Casting Association

Packaging Machinery Manufacturing Institute

Project Management Institute

Society of Manufacturing Engineers

Employment sites:

Jobs that are open in Colorado can be found at Connecting Colorado or on our Career Services job board.

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