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How to Give


You have the option to donate online, by mail, or employees can use the payroll deduction authorization form.
Donate OnlineDonor FormEmployee Payroll Deduction Form





Kori Johnson

Donate to Pikes Peak State College

Thank you for considering a donation to the Pikes Peak State College Foundation. Whether donating online, via phone or through mail, your donation will help students based on the fund you designate. Call 719.502.2013 for more information on designated funds or other donating options.

Donate by Phone

Donate by Mail
PPSC Foundation
5675 South Academy Blvd. C-68
Colorado Springs, CO 80906

Other Ways to Give

A pledge is a promise to make a gift at some specified time(s) in the future. Pledges may be paid in a single payment or in installments. Annual gift pledges are payable within one year. To make an annual pledge, please download the Donor Information Form and mail to the Foundation Office.

Generally, major gift pledges are payable within five years. To make a major gift pledge, please contact the Foundation Office.

Our staff can provide assistance to donors and their advisors on estate planning that includes PPSC Foundation. Contact the Foundation Office at 719.502.2013 for more information.

Donations in memory of an individual can be made online, by phone, or by mail.  Please specify the name of the individual when making your donation. For online donations, type the name of the individual in the online donation form message line.

PPSC faculty and staff can contribute to the PPSC Foundation via payroll deduction. To do so, complete the Employee Payroll Deduction Form [Digital]

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