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New Student Online Orientation

Orientation - Your First Step Toward Success

The first step to success at Pikes Peak State College is completing the on-demand New Student Online Orientation.

All students new to college MUST complete the orientation before registering for their first term of classes.

We recommend transfer and continuing students complete the New Student Online Orientation.
Complete New Student Online Orientation

Complete New Student Orientation

Our New Student Online Orientation is a series of modules, videos, and quizzes to help you begin your PPSC College Experience informed and ready for next steps!

Orientation covers:
  • How to navigate the myPikesPeak Portal
  • How to access your student email  
  • Career Services resources
  • Course scheduling and registration 
  • Academic Advising information 
  • Financial Aid information
  • Student resources

New Student Orientation can be completed on a computer, tablet, smartphone, or in one of our computer labs.

Plan to spend
at least one hour completing the orientation.

Student Cutout
Student Cutout Image

Get Resources On-Demand - Forever!

Once you've completed New Student Online Orientation you can log back in at any time to review specific information and helpful "how-to" videos. 

This short video, below, shows you how.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

New first-time college students must complete the New Student Online Orientation before registering for classes.

The orientation is on-demand and is designed to set students up for success at PPSC.

Transfer, visiting, and readmitted students are strongly encouraged to complete the New Student Online Orientation. 

Completing the online orientation should be your first step after being accepted at PPSC.

It must be completed before you meet with an advisor and register for classes.

Most students take approximately 1-2 hours to complete the online orientation. However, it is not timed

Students can complete part of the orientation, log out, then log back in and their progress will be saved - allowing completion at a student's own pace and in multiple sessions.

Student Cutout Image

helpful student tips

did you know?

helpful student tips

Make a plan for what you are going to do and when you are going to do it!

Block off time on your calendar when you will:

  • attend class
  • complete homework
  • study
  • work
  • relax or socialize

Studies show that multitasking is physically impossible.

Be intentional about the task you want to complete, and allow your focus on that task only.

Set aside distractions for a set amount of time:

  • turn off your phone notifications, or
  • turn off your phone
  • gather all materials you need in one place
  • remove temptations (TV, social media) 

Divide your homework or study time into manageable chunks - of what AND when you are learning. 

  • Short, frequent, and repeated focused time results in more effective long-term memory 
  • Practice regularly retrieving information, through writing or quizzes

Accomplish your tasks one step at a time.

Prioritizing your assignments can help you focus on what is in front of you and reduce stress. 

Learning new information and skills is work.

Support yourself as a student:

  • ask questions in class
  • ask questions in emails
  • visit your instructor during their office hours
  • complete assignments with peers
  • form study groups 

Go to tutoring early and often - it is free! You are here to learn; help us help you by asking questions.

did you know?

Getting a sufficient amount of sleep every night supports your health:

  • emotionally
  • physically
  • intellectually

A good night's rest sharpens your focus and improves your working memory.

Create a schedule that works for you, and stick to it.

Do you work better in the morning, right after school or after you have eaten dinner? Are you more productive in 30- or 90-minute blocks? 

Communicate with your family and friends about when you will study and when you can socialize. Tell them what you need from them to support your priorities and goals.

Taking notes is a strategy to:

  • stay engaged in class
  • recall information
  • review in preparation for quizzes and tests

Rereading notes you have taken is quicker and more effective than rereading an entire textbook!

Review notes from class the same day as class - this will support information recall.

You are spending time, money, and mental/emotional resources to meet your goals.

Let us help you!

  • Visit tutors in our Learning Commons
  • Apply for TRIO 
  • Use ACCESSibility Services
  • Visit our food pantries
  • Apply for a scholarship 

College is a community - you are not alone!

Study Skills: Reading Textbooks Improve Reading Comprehension
Improve Your Note-taking PPSC Learning Commons

Have Questions about Orientation?

If you need assistance with any part of the orientation process, don't hesitate to reach out to us. 

General Orientation Assistance

Email. ns.orientation@pikespeak.edu

Phone. (719) 502-2000