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Request Transcripts

Request Transcripts

Pikes Peak State College has partnered with Parchment to manage the ordering, processing, and secure delivery of your official student transcripts in an electronic format. Learn more below.

 Electronic Transcript Details

Parchment Offers

Transcript requests are filled during regular business hours. Requests made during holidays and weekends will be fulfilled during the next business day.


Don't have a Credit Card?

If you do not have a credit card, you may order a transcript in-person through Enrollment Services Center at the Centennial Campus during normal business hours. For questions or to report a problem with your order, please contact the Records office at records@pikespeak.edu.




Current and Former Students: Order transcripts directly through the Parchment website


Current Students: Log into myPikesPeak Portal if you are an active student to locate the Student Grades & Records card. (Students are considered active if they have taken a class within the last three semesters).


Current Students: Unofficial transcripts can be found by logging into your myPikesPeak portal.

  • Locate the Student Grades & Records card on the home page
  • Click on "View/Print Unofficial Transcripts"

Former Students: Unofficial transcripts are available to students for one year after leaving PPSC. After that year, you will need to order official transcripts.

Transcript Costs

The transcript cost is based on the method of delivery and destination. During the ordering process you will be able to see the exact charge prior to entering your credit card information.

Payment Information

Grey Form Icon

Transcript Costs

$4.00 - Most affordable and convenient option!

Please Note: eTranscript sent via Parchment

$5.00 - Includes in-person request surcharge. Requested at Enrollment Services front desk.

Please Note: Parchment receipt will show your portion as $4.00.

Mailed Domestic: $5.00

Mailed International: $7.40

Please Note: Mailed standard USPS first-class.

Shipped Domestic: $34.00*

Shipped International: $60.00**

*Sent via FedEx Overnight Domestic
**Sent via FedEx International

Still Need Help?

If you have difficulty completing the E-Transcript request, refer to the ep-by-step eTranscript Request Guide button below, or email the Records Office at records@pikespeak.edu.

Help can also be found through Parchment Chat Student Support or by phone at 847-716-3005.