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Emergency Management

What is Emergency Management?

Emergency Management is a comprehensive program of mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery for emergencies or disasters of any kind. In short, emergency management involves the identification and mitigation of potential risks; creating emergency response plans; and developing procedures for operations continuity and recovery after an emergency event.

Standard Response Protocol

Emergency Management

Pikes Peak State College has adopted the Standard Response Protocol. During an emergency, you may be directed to take one or more of the following actions:


  • Clear the hallways.
  • Lock classroom and office doors.
  • Normal activities will continue as usual.


This action may be taken to minimize exposure to a safety threat outside such as law enforcement activity, civil unrest, or a hostile human threat in the vicinity of campus.
  • The building’s exterior doors are secured.
  • Occupants need to remain inside.
  • Normal operations will continue to the greatest extent possible.
  • People are free to move about inside the building but are cautioned to maintain situational awareness.


This action may be taken in the event of an imminent threat inside or outside of the building.

  • Close and lock interior doors.
    • Exterior perimeter doors may remain unlocked to allow emergency responders to quickly enter the building.
  • Turn off lights.
  • Hide from view.
  • Stay quiet. Turn mobile devices to Silent mode.
  • Be prepared to take a different action (e.g. evacuate, fight off an intruder).


All building occupants are required to evacuate a building when a fire alarm sounds and/or when directed to do so by PPSC officials.

  • Leave belongings behind but bring mobile phones if possible.
  • Exit the building in an orderly manner.
  • Help others who may need assistance.
  • Move at least 300 feet from the building.
  • Faculty and instructors should account for their students. Managers and supervisors should account for all employees in their sections.
  • Await further instruction from emergency personnel.


  • Remain on the premises.
  • Take actions appropriate to the situation (e.g. severe weather, hazardous material spill outside the building, etc.).
  • Be prepared to move to a different location or a designated shelter.
    • Designated weather emergency shelters on campus are marked with a yellow placard.
Emergency Management

Emergency Management

What Can I Do to Prepare for Emergencies?

Emergencies and disasters can happen anywhere, and at any time. They have the potential to disrupt both personal lives and college operations. Planning and preparation are the keys to successfully dealing with, and recovering from, any natural disaster or human-caused emergency incident.

  • Make sure you are signed up for PPSC’s Emergency Notification System and keep your contact information current.
  • “See Something, Say Something.” All PPSC students, employees, and visitors are encouraged to report suspicious persons or activities to the PPSC Police Department at 719-502-2900. Call 9-1-1 for emergencies.
  • Review the PPSC Emergency Response Guides posted in campus classrooms and offices.
  • Always know at least two ways out of every building that you frequent.
  • Know your best evacuation routes at each campus.
  • Practice good situational awareness. Know what is going on around you, and who is around you, at all times.
  • Have a personal plan for emergencies and disasters. For more information about emergency preparedness, check out the Emergency Preparedness Resources on this page.
  • Talk to your family and friends about what you will do when faced with an emergency or disaster. Don’t think “it can’t happen to me.”
  • Coordinate for your class, work group, club, or student organization to receive free emergency preparedness and safety training offered by the PPSC Police Department and Emergency Management team.
  • Learn First Aid, CPR/AED, and bleeding control skills.
campus image

Emergency Preparedness Resources

Peak Alerts via El Paso – Teller County 9-1-1 Authority


  • Register to receive regional and localized emergency alerts
  • Login regularly to keep contact information up-to-date



  • Emergency preparedness for individuals, families, pets, and businesses



  • Colorado Hazard Information in various languages
  • Preparedness Resources

Pikes Peak Regional Office of Emergency Management


El Paso County Sheriff’s Office


Information about wildfire mitigation, emergency preparation, evacuation, etc.