Career Start | Through the Career Start program, high school students enroll in career and technical
education courses and earn college credits. Most programs feature opportunities to
earn college certificates and industry recognized certifications.
Concurrent Enrollment | Through the Concurrent Enrollment program, high school students enroll in college classes and
earn college credits that may transfer to Colorado public four-year universities.
Courses also apply to degrees and certificates at PPSC.
Degree Start | Degree Start is a program that leverages district-provided Career Start transportation
bringing students to PPSC campuses Monday - Friday where they can take college classes
that transfer to Colorado public four-year universities through concurrent enrollment
High School Articulation | Students enrolled in career technical education courses at their high schools may
be eligible for college credit.
Pivot | Pivot is a partnership between local school districts and PPSC with the goal of supporting school-aged
students who are at risk of not graduating high school as they earn college credits
that help them earn a high school diploma and get started earning certificates and
degrees at PPSC.
Gana créditos universitarios mientras estás en el bachillerato
Descubre tus opciones:
Career Start | Career Start (Inicio de Carrera) inspira a los estudiantes de bachillerato a explorar oportunidades de educación técnica y profesional, adquirir conocimientos
y habilidades hacia metas profesionales, todo mientras ganan créditos universitarios
y certificados.
Concurrent Enrollment | Concurrent Enrollment (Inscripción Concurrente) es una gran oportunidad para que los estudiantes ganen créditos universitarios que
se aplican a títulos y certificados en Pikes Peak, con potencial para transferirse
a una institución de cuatro años.
Degree Start | Degree Start (Inicio de Título) es un programa piloto para estudiantes de bachillerato que cursan los grados once y doce y se especializan en un campo de artes liberales.
High School Articulation | Los estudiantes inscritos en cursos de educación técnica y profesional en sus bachilleratos pueden ser elegibles para créditos universitarios.
Pivot | Obtén tu diploma de bachillerato tomando cursos en Pikes Peak State College. El Programa Pivot es una asociación entre
distritos escolares locales y Pikes Peak con el objetivo de apoyar a estudiantes en
edad escolar mientras obtienen su diploma de bachillerato y título universitario.