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Diverse Faculty Fellows

Teacher overlooking their students

What is Diverse Faculty Fellows?

Diversity in our student body makes our college strong and resilient - our faculty base should be a representation of our student's diversity and backgrounds. Diverse Faculty Fellows seeks to recruit and retain diverse faculty members at Pikes Peak State College. This is a full-time teaching position.

What are Diverse Faculty Fellows?

The Diverse Faculty Fellowship Program seeks to promote the recruitment and retention of a diverse faculty at Pikes Peak State College. The program does this by advancing the careers of individuals who themselves have been part of underrepresented or underserved communities and are committed to advancing equitable education for members of these communities.

Among the College’s goals are broadening access to the college teaching profession amongst a more diverse pool of scholars and ensuring that its faculty reflect the needs and interests of the diverse student population. To help achieve these goals, Pikes Peak State College sponsors an annual Diverse Faculty Fellowship designed to bring a visiting full-time faculty member to the College each year.

The one-year program provides funding to assist participants with their professional development as teachers and scholars. The visiting full-time faculty sponsorship is renewable for up to three years. The program specifically aims to promote and support the careers of exceptional underrepresented junior faculty.

Faculty Fellows will receive careful mentoring from colleagues not only in their own discipline but also from faculty and administrators across the College. The Faculty Diversity Fellowship is designed to provide scholars of diverse backgrounds at the beginning of their academic careers with the opportunity to fully immerse themselves in the community college experience.


The Colorado Springs metropolitan area is both growing and becoming more diverse, with 30% of the population comprised of people of color.

PPSC serves a diverse population of students along the Front Range as the largest community college in Southern Colorado.

U.S. News & World Report named Colorado Springs as the #1 most desirable place to live in the United States in 2018.

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Professor teaching their class

Who we are at PPSC?

Founded in 1968, Pikes Peak State College has grown and changed as our community has become larger and more diverse. We serve students from a variety of cultural, ethnic, and socioeconomic backgrounds. As part of the fastest-growing metropolitan area in the state, PPSC is consistently striving to meet the needs of our community while maintaining a working and learning environment that promotes student success and champions the values of diversity.

Eligibility Requirements
Prospective candidates should consider the following requirements before applying:

  • U.S. Citizenship or Permanent Residency
  • Master's degree completed with at least 18 graduate credit hours in an academic field of study offered at PPCC or 3 or more years of recent work experience in a Career and Technical Education field of study offered at PPSC
  • Ability to demonstrate or articulate a commitment to serving underrepresented populations or populations affected by societal inequities

Consideration will also be made in regard to other factors such an applicant's social economic background, teaching goals, and status as a first-generation college graduate - and how those characteristics relate to our efforts in aligning our faculty's diversity with the diversity of our students.

Apply for a Fellowship. The Diverse Faculty Fellowship program accepts applications from November through February each year. Email the Diverse Faculty Fellows team with your questions. Apply for a Fellowship Email us a question


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