Create opportunities for students to grow academically through inquiry and research, alongside faculty. Students will also increase their professional skills by writing and speaking about their research.
Research Matters
To form meaningful academic and real-world experiences for our students, Pikes Peak State College offers a program of undergraduate research.
Undergraduate Research at Pikes Peak State College seeks to foster an environment where community partners, the administration, staff, faculty and most importantly students can create a rich, high-impact academic experience that aids with the following:
"Having someone tell you that your ideas, research, and presentations are valuable enough to heard by actual academics is one of the most inspiring things to ever happen to me. That is the value of having community college students at events like these and having undergraduates present their own research... CSURF made me feel like a valuable member of the academic community."
-- Joshua Van Sanford, PPSC Student Scholar
The Starting Line
Having a process is critical for your research journey. No process is perfect; a process may demand that you move fluidly between steps. For example, after reading background information on your topic, the scope of your research question may change. That's perfectly fine. This resource will help you develop awareness about the different steps of research.
Begin your voyage through the 8-step undergraduate research process!