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PPSC Foundation

Who We Are

The PPSC Foundation staff is here to help you achieve your philanthropic goals through a gift to support the college and its students.

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Supporting Student Opportunities Through Giving


The Pikes Peak State College Foundation is committed to providing scholarships, support and resource programs for our entire college.  With your help, we can raise money for our students and your departments. Your recurring donations help support numerous campus initiatives including student scholarships, campus capital projects, grants to academic departments, and bouldering our Military and Veterans Programs (MVP).

About The Foundation

The task of the Foundation Board and Staff is vitally important—to raise awareness of the critical impact of PPSC on individuals, families and communities in the region and to generate the resources required to further enrich PPSC’s academic programs, launch new initiatives and provide scholarships for tens of thousands of deserving students.



Student Painting


The PPSC Foundation is pleased to present students with scholarship opportunities - including merit-based, need-based, or a combination of both.

State of Colorado and Colorado Community College System scholarships are also available to PPSC students.

Additionally, students are encouraged to explore external scholarships, which are provided by outside organizations or individuals.

Lightbulb iconPlease note that the links and websites provided on our external scholarships resource page is managed and awarded by the respective organizations, and not PPSC. Each organization is responsible for its own scholarship review and decision process.



Ways to Support Pikes Peak State College

Money with Graduation Cap
Aligned with your giving & budget goals

Non-PPSC employees can support the college’s greatest needs with a recurring donation using our online form.

Note: PPSC employees can set up recurring donations on this page.

Give Now
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No Matter the Amount, it makes a Difference

Make a single one-time donation via personal check, credit card, phone, or PayPal.

Every gift has the power to transform lives and create meaningful change for our students.

Give Now
Money with Graduation Cap
Examples: Bequests, Real Estate, Stocks/Securities

Make a lasting impact by including the PPSC Foundation in your estate plans; our staff assists donors and their advisors with estate planning.

For more information, contact our Chief Development Officer, Donna Nelson.

Email Us
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For PPSC Faculty and Staff

Join the 1968 Founder’s Club, a group of staff and faculty transforming lives at PPSC, with a $19.68 monthly donation.

Set up payroll deduction via
Employee Payroll Deduction Form

Learn More





The Impact of Giving

Whether through scholarships to students, enhancing campus facilities and resources, or support for faculty programs your gifts make an impact on our students and community.

$ + million

Scholarship Funds Awarded

To Pikes Peak State College Students from 2020 - 2021

Scholarship Recipients

Benefited Through Donor Generosity during 2020 - 2021


Scholarship Recipients

Graduated and Received their Credentials by 2023 - 2024

Worth Investing In

Gentle Fritz, PPSC Dance Student

Worth Investing In

I would not have had the courage to return to school without knowing I was worth investing in.

Gentle Fritz | Dancing Student (AA)

About the Foundation

Team of People

The Pikes Peak State College Foundation, established in 1980 and gaining 501(c)(3) status in 1981, is driven by dedicated supporters committed to transforming lives through education.

The Foundation Board and staff play a vital role in raising awareness of PPSC’s profound impact on individuals, families, and communities across the region. They work tirelessly to generate resources that enhance academic programs, launch innovative initiatives, and provide scholarships for thousands of deserving students.

Whether you’re looking to support the college or achieve your philanthropic goals, the Foundation staff is here to assist and make a lasting difference. Reach out to us anytime—we’re ready to help!

Jordan Ayers | Board Chair, Ent Credit Union
Dr. Kenya Lee | Chair-elect, PureLee Redefined 
George Garro | Treasurer, Retired
Shirley Stewart | Secretary, Retired
Jo Ann Antenor | Director, Horizon Pharma, Inc.
Stephanie Edwards | Director, Gold Hill Mesa
Beau Kelly | Director, Nunn Construction
Dr. Dwayne Moore | Director, Woodmen Views Dentistry
Lorri Orwig | Director, Catholic Charities of Central Colorado
Jenny Schell | Director, Design Rangers
Danielle Summerville | Director, City of Colorado Springs

Donna Nelson | Chief Development Officer 
Kelly Rajab | Director, Foundation Finance and Operations
Dr. Jessica Castillo | Foundation Grants Director
Paul Jimenez | Foundation Coordinator
Desk Bell

The key focus at PPSC is to provide high-quality educational opportunities to all with a focus on student success and community needs, including:

  • Occupational programs, including certificates, associate and bachelor degrees, for youth and adults in career and technical fields;
  • Two-year transfer educational programs to qualify students for admission to the junior year at other colleges and universities; and
  • A broad range of personal, career, and technical education for adults
Today, PPSC is the largest post-secondary educational institution in Colorado Springs and offers the most widely accessible and affordable education in the region. 

PPSC serves approximately 10,000 students annually throughout El Paso, Teller, and Elbert Counties. That is possible only with the continuing support of the community, including you!

The mission of Pikes Peak State College Foundation is to enhance opportunities for student success by providing financial support for student scholarships and selected programs and projects. The Foundation pursues its mission by supporting the College strategic plan and other programs and projects that are approved by the Board and endorsed by the College

For over 50 years, Pikes Peak State College has been transforming lives and driving economic growth in the Pikes Peak region by educating and training future health care professionals, business leaders, skilled tradespeople, entrepreneurs, and more.

PPSC is proud of its strong partnerships with private industry, schools, and public agencies, ensuring that our programs are tailored to meet the demands of a dynamic workforce. Our graduates are prepared to seamlessly transition into higher education or enter the workforce as skilled, effective, and productive professionals.

From advancing college credentials that enhance economic mobility to improving campuses and delivering career-defining student programs, PPSC remains committed to empowering students and strengthening our community. And your generosity make this possible.

Gifts of every size make the College stronger and more vibrant. Help us carry on the tradition of excellence with a gift to support Pikes Peak State College.




Questions About Giving? Contact Us!

The PPSC Foundation is here to help you fulfill your philanthropic vision with a gift to benefit PPSC.

Call or email us to start a conversation with our team.

Centennial Campus Location
Room A-324
Phone | (719) 502-2013
Email | foundation@pikespeak.edu

Office Hours
Monday–Friday | 8:00am–5:00pm
Saturday & Sunday | Closed

Explore Giving Options