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Apply for Graduation

Graduation Application Deadlines:
July 15th - for Summer semester
November 15th - for Fall semester
March 15th - for Spring semester
2024-2025 Graduation Application2025-2026 Graduation Application



Preparing for Graduation

If you’re nearing completion of your Pikes Peak degree or certificate, the Records Office is here to guide you through the graduation process.

2025 Commencement Ceremony

2025 Commencement



Graduation Process

This video provides a detailed overview of the graduation application process and timeline - including application deadline information. Topics Covered Include:

  • Overview of application process
  • Where and when to apply
  • When to expect your diploma
  • Tips on applying

Learn what to expect as you approach graduation! 

Steps to Apply

To graduate from Pikes Peak, you must have:

  1. Completed your degree or certificate requirements as outlined by your academic program in the college catalog

  2. Earned 15 credits - as part of your declared academic program - while enrolled at PPSC

  3. Have an overall GPA of 2.0 or higher

We recommend that you always meet with an academic advisor to ensure you are on track to graduate.

Schedule an Advising Appointment

  • You must apply for graduation to receive your degree/certificate - even if you don’t plan to participate in the commencement ceremony

  • The best time to apply for graduation is immediately after you register for your final semester and no later than the posted deadline

Application Deadlines

    • Summer: July 15

    • Fall: November 15

    • Spring: March 15

Apply for 2024-2025 Graduation

Apply for 2025-2026 Graduation

After reviewing your academic records and course history, our Records team will contact you at your college-assigned student email to notify you of the results of your audit.

Note: This may take 1 to 4 months, depending on the term you are applying for and the time of year you are applying. Audits are done in the date ordered received.

Learn how to check your student email

Your degree/certificate will be posted to your transcript approximately 4-6 weeks after the end of the current semester. 

Diplomas are not issued at the commencement ceremony.  Diplomas and certificates will be mailed to the address provided on your application* for graduation approximately 8 weeks after your degree is posted to your transcript. It is your responsibility to make sure the address you provide will be valid at that time.

If you have unmet requirements, we will keep your application on file for one semester and check your records during that time to determine if the degree/certification requirements have been met.

After one semester has passed and degree requirements remain unmet, you must re-apply for graduation.

*If you change your address after applying for graduation, please update your new address through your student portal and email the Records Office at records@pikespeak.edu - or respond to your audit letter sent to your student email address
Student at Commencement
Student Graduating

Honors Recognition

Honors recognition at commencement will be awarded to students slated to graduate in the upcoming spring term, provided they are actively pursuing courses to fulfill their degree or certification requirements. Determination is based on prior semester's academic performance.

Example 1: Student A has a cumulative GPA of 3.4 at the end of fall semester, but still needs two classes to complete their degree/certificate. Student A applies for graduation and plans to attend the spring commencement ceremony. Student A finishes their spring classes with a 4.0. In this case, student A will not receive honors recognition at the ceremony.

Example 2: Student B has a cumulative GPA of 3.5 at the end of fall semester, but still needs two classes to complete their degree/certificate. Student B applies for graduation and plans to attend the spring commencement ceremony. Student B finishes their spring classes with a 4.0. In this case, Student B will receive recognition at the ceremony.


Sign Post

Questions about the Graduation Process?

Contact Records@PikesPeak.edu, or call 719–502–3000. We are here to help!

Have a question specifically about the commencement ceremony? 

Contact our commencement team at Commencement@PikesPeak.edu