Sharon Wittry

Sharon Wittry


(719) 502-3300 |

Box C17, Centennial | PCE-F300


Sharon Wittry's education includes;
Doctoral work in International Economics, University of Denver
MBA, Marketing, University of Colorado
B.S. Finance, University of Colorado

Sharon has developed, designed, implemented and taught face-to-face and online business and math courses for over 25 years and was the Business and Economics Chair of Colorado Community Colleges Online (CCCOnline) for over a decade.  Her knowledge of the global environment spans many industries and cultures.  Sharon and (then) Pikes Peak Community College's international team won a Global Awareness Award for fostering international understanding and growth in the community and abroad. 

She and her husband enjoy traveling, sailing, and many other outdoor sports. 


Professional Experience

Sharon was the project manager for two successful Title VIB grants from the U.S. Department of Education and was on the team that researched and wrote both grants.  She has eleven years of administrative-level international management and marketing experience accountable for creating and managing budgets exceeding 10 million dollars.


Sharon Wittry is co-author of two highly successful textbooks, Practical Business Math Procedures and Math for Business and Finance: An Algebraic Approach, (McGraw-Hill).