
Ann Rusin-Egnor

Criminal Justice Faculty

(719) 502-3532 |

Box C17, Centennial | PCE-F305


Ann teaches the Criminal Justice curriculum for first year students in the Career Start program, as well as several online classes and traditional classes.  Ann holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Criminal Justice from Metropolitan State University, Denver and a Master’s Degree in Public Administration from Columbia Southern University.

Previously, Ann worked as a Deputy Sheriff for 18 years, working in most areas of the Sheriff’s Office, with many of those years working in the schools as a D.A.R.E. Officer and SRO, along with managing the Explorer Post. She has extensive experience in the school district as a Prevention Specialist. Ann is also a mindfulness instructor, and certified life coach. Ann volunteers with Daisy, who is a certified Therapy Dog to visit with families at the Ronald McDonald House and Childrens Hospital.

Classes Taught

Career Start