Bruce Gillies

Bruce Gillies


(719) 502-3200 |

Box DT37, Downtown | PDO-S210


Dr. Bruce Gillies is an Industrial/Organizational Psychologist.  He spent 22 years on active duty in the US Navy providing consulting services for retention improvement, culture assessment, engineering casualty control, and service aircraft.  Bruce has been a professor since 2005. He has taught Organizational Behavior, Organizational Development, Business Communications, Statistics, Leadership Theory and Practice, Leadership and Management, Managerial Leadership, Sport Psychology, Human Growth and Development, Foundations of Industrial/Organizational Psychology, Research Methods, Fundamentals of Ergonomics, Human Resource Development, Business Capstone (both graduate and undergraduate), and Human Resource Management Capstone (graduate). He has written many articles for business and psychology publications as well as presented at numerous professional associations and conferences. He is the author of "The 21st Century Career Search System," a book on career and job search techniques, and He continues to consult to sports teams, federal agencies, small businesses, and city governments on culture, leadership, and motivation.