2024 PPSC Databook- Our databook contains detailed statistics and insights about our college community, including enrollment, student demographics, and student success measures.
IPEDS - The primary source of data on colleges, universities, and technical and vocational post-secondary institutions in the United States. Here you can find the IPEDS survey forms as well as data, reports and publications.
Use College Navigator to find the most recent IPEDS data on Pikes Peak State College and other institutions of higher education. This tool allows potential students to compare institutions or gather information on specific schools. Users can search by institutional name, region, state, zip code, type of institution or program. College Navigator includes contact information for the institution(s) searched for as well as degrees offered, tuition and other information.
Colorado Community College System - Institutional Research at the Colorado Community Colleges System offers system wide reports (CCCS Databook)
Colorado Department of Higher Education - The Colorado Department of Higher Education Data and Reports website
An instructional program leading toward a certificate or an associate's degree.