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Fall 2024 Tutoring Schedules

Tutoring schedules are updated frequently throughout the semester, so these schedules may not be accurate, To ensure that there is a tutor available when you arrive, either make an appointment in Navigate or call the tutoring center to confirm hours.
student and tutor working together


pupil and instructor

Tutoring Schedules

All Learning Commons tutors are trained and available to assist in your academic success. Online tutoring as well as on-campus tutoring are available.

Tutors endorsed in college-level Math or English (i.e. MAT 1340) are also endorsed for ALL DEVELOPMENTAL classes in the same discipline (i.e. MAT 0300). Please contact the Learning Commons with any additional questions.

On-Campus Tutoring

Tutoring appointments can be made for the Centennial, Rampart Range, and CHES campuses through Navigate or by calling the Learning Commons at each campus. Drop-in sessions are available, but we cannot guarantee that a specific tutor/discipline will be available when you come in. Please see the schedules for each campus for specific times when tutoring is available for individual subjects (at the top of this page).

Contact Us

Centennial Campus Tutoring Center - Room A300
Call: (719) 502-3444

Rampart Range Campus Tutoring Center - Room N200
Call: (719) 502-3190

PPSC students