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Degree & Certificate Options

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Political Science Degree

PPSC's Political science program offer insight into how leaders acquire and maintain power, how social movements start and gain momentum and how governments and other institutions can be run with efficiency and transparency.
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Transfer Options

Associate of Arts Guaranteed Transfer Degree in Political Science
A two-year Associate of Arts degree (AA) with a Political Science designation is intended to prepare students for transfer to a four year institution to earn a Bachelor's degree in Political Science.

Earning your Associate of Arts degree in Political Science will prepare you to:
  • Transfer to a 4-year university and earn your Bachelor's Degree
  • Become familiar with general principles of Political Science
  • Develop the critical thinking skills necessary for success in the field
  • Have a well rounded education in order to be competitive in today's job market
Transfer Options

After earning you AA degree from Pikes Peak State College, you may complete your Bachelors in Political Science by continuing your studies at one of several 4-year universities.

Top Transfer Institutions
The most common transfer institutions for PPSC students with an AA degree in Political Science include:

Colorado State University Pueblo

Regis University

University of Colorado Colorado Springs

University of Colorado Denver

Political Science Associate of Arts (AA)

Course & Credit Hours

ENG 1021 English Composition I (3)

PSC 2020 Intro to Political Science (3)

MAT 1260 Intro to Statistics (3) 

ECO 2001 Principles of Macroeconomics (3)

Science (From Approved AA Electives) (4-5)

ANT 1005; AST 1110; BIO 1111: CHE 1011

Total 16-17 Credit Hours

Course & Credit Hours

ENG 1022 English Composition II (3)

ECO 2002 Principles of Microeconomics (3)

HIS (From Approved AA Electives) (3)

HIS 1310; HIS 1110; HIS 1120; HIS 1210; HIS 1220

POS 1011 American Government (3)

Arts and Humanities (From Approved AA Electives) (3)

ART 1110; LIT 1015; PHI 1011; SPA 2011

Total 15 Credit Hours

Course & Credit Hours

PSC 2005 International Relations (3)

Science (Approved AA Elective) (4-5) 

ANT 1005; AST 1001; BIO 1111: CHE 1011

PSC 1025 American State & Local Government (3)

ANT (From Approved AA Electives) (3) 

ART 1110; LIT 1015; PHI 1011; SPA 2011 

Total 13-14 Credit Hours

Course & Credit Hours

PSC 2025 Comparative Government (3)

PSC 1050 Current Political Issues (3)

Geography (Approved AA Elective) (3) 

GEO 1005; GEO 1006

Arts and Humanities (Approved AA Elective) (3) 

ART 1110; LIT 1015; PHI 1011; SPA 2011

History (From Approved AA Electives) (3) 

HIS 1320; HIS 1110; HIS 1120

Total 15 Credit Hours

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Political Science Program Information

The course offering schedule is intended to be used as a general planning tool. Course offerings may change. Contact a faculty advisor for more information.
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