Welcome students! Explore this page for more information and resources.
Every student registered with Accessibility Services has the responsibility to meet the same academic and student conduct standards as other students and ask for assistance and accommodations in an appropriate manner.
Be free from discrimination on the grounds of having a disability and free from retaliatory discrimination.
Be assured that information about a disability is held confidential. It will not be shared with anyone unless permitted by the student in writing, except as required by law.
Choose to whom the disclosure of disability is made except as required by law.
Equal opportunity and access to educational programs, services, activities, and facilities available at all PPSC campuses.
Reasonable and appropriate accommodations, academic adjustments, and/or auxiliary aids as determined on a case-by-case basis, where the student’s disability limits access, participation, or ability to benefit.
Meet privately with faculty to discuss needed accommodations and address any other concerns.
Be treated equally with other students regarding grades and class participation.
Appeal decisions regarding accommodations and auxiliary aids.
Be informed of their grievance rights and procedures, including the appeal of decisions concerning academic accommodations.
Initiate the grievance, complaint or concern process: Americans with Disabilities Act complaints concerning discrimination on the basis of disability may be sent to PPSC’s ADA/Equal Opportunity Officer, Kim Hennessy at kim.hennessy@pikespeak.edu or complete the Discrimination/Harassment Complaint form.
Complete and submit your complaint through the United States Department of Justice Civil Rights Division at https://www.ada.gov/complaint/
Self-identify as an individual with a disability to Accessibility Services if requesting for accommodations each semester.
Initiate requests by scheduling an appointment with Accessibility Services. Actively participate in the interactive process of determining appropriate, effective, and reasonable accommodations.
Discuss accommodations with instructor(s) and self-advocate for the reasonable provision and implementation of the accommodations.
Notify Accessibility Services immediately if there are concerns, questions or issues with the accommodations.
Notify faculty/instructors of any testing accommodations they wish to use in a timely manner.
Schedule to use testing accommodations with Accessibility Services in advance, to include date, time, technology, reader, scribe, etc. and any other requests as soon as they receive the syllabi.
Make arrangements with Accessibility Services staff for assistance with equipment. Notify a staff member immediately if there are problems with the test, accommodative environment, equipment, furniture, etc.
Communicate: Self-advocate. Work with Accessibility Services Disability Specialists on developing advocacy skills and communicating specific needs and accommodations with faculty.
Meet with a Disability Specialist at least 4 to 6 weeks prior to each semester to discuss arrangements for needed accommodations. Even if you have not met this timeline, please contact Accessibility Services.
Academic accommodations are determined during our interactive process and are granted on an individual analysis of the student's circumstances. The accommodations described below are not guaranteed, and this does not represent an inclusive list. It is the student's responsibility to inform their instructors of their accommodations to ensure their appropriate implementation.
Students may be granted additional time for all exams and in-class quizzes. Extended time is typically approved in increments of either one and one half or double the allotted time and ensures that a student’s performance is reflective of his/her mastery of material rather than the speed at which a student performs.
Certain skills-based tests are meant to mimic the real-life experience. Therefore, it may not be reasonable to have extended time during skills-based tests (E.g., labs, practicals, clinicals).
If granted, a “distraction-limited environment” testing space can be provided at the AS testing rooms or at the Testing Centers at the different campuses. This accommodation does not guarantee a “distraction free” testing space, but rather a quieter space where students have fewer distractions, thus better able to maintain focus.
Some students with disabilities may need tests read to them. AS provides computer software programs that can “read” the exam aloud to a student. If necessary, this must be scheduled at least 5 business days in advance.
While reasons for accessible seating vary widely, AS staff can assist with this in addition to any modifications to classroom furniture, which may be necessary due to a disability.
For some students with disabilities, sitting for long periods of time can exacerbate symptoms of the disability. Similarly, some students may need to leave class for brief periods to attend to medications or other medical needs. This accommodation allows the student to move around or leave class in the least disruptive manner possible.
Some students with disabilities may need to use their computer for in class writing and note-taking. Using a computer allows these students the opportunity to avoid physical fatigue and/or to provide legible, better-organized writing. If granted, students may use a computer in class with the understanding that internet searching, playing games, and/or using social media is not allowed unless instructed by the instructor.
Correct spelling at the college level is expected of all students. However, students with a specific learning disability, which impacts spelling, may be eligible to receive a reasonable accommodation for in-class assignments and in-class exams. Typical accommodations have included spell-check devices or not penalizing a student for spelling errors.
Recording class materials is allowed when the student provides notification of the accommodation to the instructor. The student must provide his/her own recording device and may discuss with the instructor the best placement of the recording device. To protect the privacy of others, instructors have the right to request that students turn off any recording if the discussion involves the sharing of personal information.
Authorized class recordings by students are for study purposes only and may not be uploaded to the internet, or otherwise shared, transmitted, or published without the prior written consent of the person teaching the class and others who were recorded.
For more information, refer to Colorado Community College System Procedure Use of Recording Devices
Students with disabilities may request that an instructor make course materials (ex., overheads, Power Point slides, checklists, study guides, etc.) available for review. Instructors are not required to create new materials. Instead, instructors might post the materials on D2L for all students, email, make copies of the materials and distribute these copies to students or allow a student to review the PowerPoint slides during office hours. Students should work with their instructor(s) to determine an appropriate time frame for viewing materials.
*Communicate w/AS for further assistance regarding the implementation of any student accommodations 719-502-3333 or access@pikespeak.edu
*Students are responsible for discussing their accommodations with their instructors.
Students are responsible for attending class and expected to complete all assignments as scheduled. Instructors are expected to provide students information regarding attending policies, and assignment and test dates in a timely manner. When a student has a disability-related absence, it is reasonable to allow an extension for assignment completion.
Requests for accommodations for absences due to a disability should be considered on an individual and course-by-course basis, acknowledging that the core competencies and learning outcomes of the course will not be modified.
(Adapted from University of Washington Disability Resources for Students, Disability Related Absences Agreement and similar agreements from other colleges and universities)
Extended time for assignment completion and tests is a reasonable accommodation for situations where a student’s disability or medical situation creates a circumstance that poses a challenge to completing assignments or taking tests as scheduled. ACCESSibility Services (AS) Disability Specialists determine this accommodation through our interactive process with the student in addition to documentation provided by the student.
Requests for extension of assignment dates or tests due to a disability should be considered on an individual and course-by-course basis. Extension dates are generally 1-2 days after an assignment deadline or test submission deadline. However, the timeline depends upon the disability-related circumstance. Students must discuss this accommodation with their instructor and with AS as needed.
(Adapted from Johns Hopkins University, Extended Time on Assignments)
(Adapted from University of Washington Disability Resources for Students, Disability Related Absences Agreement and similar agreements from other colleges and universities)
*Communicate w/AS for further assistance regarding the implementation of any student accommodations 719-502-3333 or access@pikespeak.edu
Students may request digital versions of their textbooks that work with text-to-speech, magnification, screen reader technologies, and more.
The role of the Sign Language Interpreter within the post-secondary setting is to facilitate communication between (D)deaf/Hard of Hearing and hearing individuals throughout the educational environment, both academic and extracurricular.
Due to the availability of space, time, and formatting operations, students acknowledge that they must schedule tests in advance.
Students are responsible for knowing when tests are due. If the test will expire, students are responsible for asking instructors for extensions.
Accessibility Services (AS) has testing rooms set up to provide accommodative testing. Accommodations may include extended time, alternate light, enlarged font, breaks, etc., which are determined after meeting with a Disability Specialist every semester. If a student decides to use their testing accommodations in the AS testing rooms, we encourage the adherence of the following processes.
Find out from your instructor by what date the test must be taken (the deadline date).
Call 502-3333 or stop by A-130 to schedule to take your test.
Let us know what test you are taking and what your accommodations are. It will be helpful to have your notification of accommodations with you.
If accommodations include formatting (ex., font, colored paper, enlargement, one page at a time), read-software, use of a computer, we ask that you schedule at least 5 days in advance.
Inform your instructor of the date and time you plan to take the test in AS.
Remember it is your choice to use your testing accommodations in the AS testing rooms.
Go to Accessibility Services A-130 at your scheduled time.
Be prepared. You are responsible for any instructor-approved supplies (e.g. pencil, calculator) and accommodation-approved items (ex,. headphones, hat, tinted/sunglasses, medical monitors, etc.)
Turn off and secure all electronic devices (e.g. cell phones, iPads, smart watch) in a locker.
AS will provide a locker. You will keep the key. The key and your ID will be exchanged when you turn in the test.
All seats are assigned. Please ask a staff member if alternate furniture is needed.
Students may take their tests/quizzes at the Testing Centers rather than the Accessibility Services Office depending on their accommodations. Testing Centers are available at the Rampart Range Campus, Downtown Studio Campus, and Centennial Campus - making it more convenient for many students. If you choose a Testing Center, keep in mind not all accommodations are available at all Testing Centers. It is best to ask a Disability Specialist or the Accommodative Testing Specialist about specifics.
Confirm with your instructor when the test must be taken by (the deadline date).
Confirm with AS the availability of your accommodations at the selected campus.
Contact the Testing Center to schedule your test.
If you are using accommodations and the test requires formatting and transport, the schedule at least 5 days in advance.
Contact AS to let us know when and at which Testing Center you will be taking your test.
Inform your instructor the date and time you plan to take the test at whichever Testing Center.
Go to your selected Testing Center at the scheduled date. The Testing Centers operate on a first-come, first-serve basis. Plan accordingly.
Be prepared with your own instructor-approved supplies (e.g. pencil, calculator) and accommodation-approved items (e.g. headphones, magnifying glass)
Provide a government-issued picture ID (e.g. driver's license or student ID)
Turn off and store all electronic and other personal items in a locker. Testing Centers provide lockers and do not allow hats, watches, and many other items.
If you are taking a PPSC course test with extended time accommodations, remind your instructor to extend the testing time to reflect your accommodations.
Cell phones are prohibited in ALL Testing Center Rooms.
If unauthorized resources or behaviors are witnessed, AS reserves the right to conclude testing and contact the Dean of Students and/or the instructor.
Students registered with AS are bound by the PPSC Student Code of Conduct policies. Academic dishonesty and disruptive behavior are violations and will not be tolerated.
Students have the option of meeting with the Access Specialist for a one-on-one conversation. During this time, students review areas of challenge, generate AT learning goals, and receive training on AT that may be supportive to meet those goals. In addition to one-on-one training, students are provided with written instructional guides for reference, covering the AT reviewed. AT may include text-to-speech reading options, speech-to-text writing options, note-taking options, alternative listening devices, alternative text, and much more.
Accessibility Services has many assistive technology options available including:
Students registered with Accessibility Services are welcome to use assistive technology
available in our Assistive Technology (AT) Lab. Technology includes voice recognition,
speech-to-text, text-to-speech, screen reading, mind-mapping software, color adjustment,
screen enlargement, height-adjustable desks, and more.
Located in Accessibility Services A130 at Centennial Campus
Student records are protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
Access by PPSC personnel to disability-related information housed in Accessibility Services is on a need-to-know basis and only for the purpose of assuring appropriate accommodations. Instructors are regularly apprised of the confidential nature of disability-related information shared with them. Accommodation letters prepared by Accessibility Services for instructors do not provide specific diagnoses. Instead, the letters explain that the student has provided appropriate documentation of a disability and lists the approved academic accommodations for that student.
On a legitimate, educational need-to-know basis, Accessibility Services staff may discuss the impact or impairments caused by the disability and the corresponding accommodations approved with appropriate individuals on campus. Circumstances may include housing arrangements, academic accommodations, instructional strategies and resources or other circumstances specific to the individual.
Pikes Peak State College and Accessibility Services are prohibited by law from releasing any disability-related records or personally identifying information to any entity outside PPSC including documentation provided to Accessibility Services by the student unless the student provides written permission or there is a court order.
Pikes Peak State College and Accessibility Services have an obligation to maintain the confidentiality of disability-related information.
Entities outside PPSC include parents of students over the age of 18. A specific release of information must be signed and in the student’s file giving staff permission to discuss student-specific information with parents.
The student may request or approve the release of such information to persons or agencies outside PPSC by signing our Confidentiality Agreement.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their education records. FERPA rights are afforded to the students at the time of admission. Visit the FERPA website for more information.
Visit the ADA website for information on the ADA, Section 504, and Section 508.
Visit the Office for Civil Rights website for information on Section 504 and the ADA.
Visit the ADA Department of Justice website for more information.
Visit the American Psychological Association for information on ADA, Section 504, and FERPA.
If a student has an accommodation-related concern, we encourage them to call us at 719-502-3333 or email us at access@pikespeak.edu so that we can discuss the issue and provide assistance. If a student believes they have been discriminated against on the basis of disability, there are several options for reporting that grievance, noted below.
Americans with Disabilities Act Complaints concerning discrimination based on disability may be sent to PPSC’s ADA/Equal Opportunity Officer, Mrs. Kim Hennessy at kim.hennessy@pikespeak.edu or complete the Discrimination/Harassment Complaint form available via the Report a Concern page.
If a student wishes to file a disability discrimination complaint with the Office for Civil Rights, they may do so via the OCR File a Complaint page.
If a student wishes to file a disability discrimination with the Department of Justice, they may do so via the DOJ Report a Concern page.
If you suspect you have a disability but are not sure, please contact your primary healthcare provider for possible testing or referral or here are some further resources.
Pregnant and parenting students are not considered students with a disability; however, pregnant and parenting students are protected under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. Therefore, classroom accommodations should be determined, discussed, and implemented between faculty and student.
If pregnant and parenting students have medical, physical, or psychological limitations or diagnoses, they may be otherwise qualified as students with disabilities, and they are encouraged to meet with Accessibility Services to determine reasonable classroom accommodations. Please contact us at 719-502-3333.
Please refer to the Pregnant and Parenting Student Regulations booklet provided by the U.S. Department of Education for additional information.
Service animals are defined as dogs that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities.
If you are unsure, you are allowed to ask only two questions:
For additional information about service animals and the ADA, please refer to the ADA Service Animals Requirements.
Students with service/psychiatric service animals are not required to meet with Accessibility Services to register or approve their presence on campus, as these animals are allowed and protected under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
Please note the differences between a service/psychiatric service animal and a support/therapy/comfort animal. Service/psychiatric service animals are allowed on campus, while support/therapy/comfort animals are not.
Accommodations for tests (ex: extended time, etc.) are appropriate academic adjustments granted through the accommodations process
Last Updated 7/2/2021. Modified from West Chester University Office of Services for Students with Disabilities and University of California Santa Barbara.
Adapted from AHEAD Guidelines
The legislation that preside over universities are Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA). These federal laws mandate that colleges and universities provide equal access and opportunity. This is different from high school where the focus was on guaranteed success for the student.
Unlike high school where the school provided the documentation for the student's disability, in college it is the individual's responsibility to pay for and supply their documentation. This documentation needs to be done by a qualified professional and must include the student's functional limitations and demonstrated need. See Registration for Services below for PPSC's process regarding documentation.
Whereas in high school, parents often advocated for their children, in college it is the student’s responsibility to advocate for her or himself. This means that students must arrange their accommodations and request assistance when it is needed.
In high school, much of the curriculum and pace of the courses were modified for students with disabilities; however, in college, fundamental elements of the course cannot be altered. Accommodations can serve to help the student to have an equal opportunity or “level the playing field” without drastically changing a course.
In high school, parents are the legal guardians of the student and therefore have a right to access any educational records. In college, the student is a legal adult and therefore must provide written consent to allow the university to discuss his or her records.
We encourage students to contact Accessibility Services to engage in an interactive/collaborative discussion with our Disability Specialists to assess the impact of the disability or individual barriers in their academic experiences and determine reasonable accommodations for equal access. The student’s information is kept confidential and will be used to plan for appropriate services and accommodations.
The process for determining accommodations is a collaborative one. On a case-by-case basis, Accessibility Services may or may not request third-party documentation. However, documentation that is relevant to the current functioning of the individual will often assist the student and Accessibility Services in determining appropriate accommodations in the process and may be requested.
Each semester, students must meet with Accessibility Services to ensure reasonable, appropriate, and timely accommodations are in place for each subsequent semester, as well as to discuss the effectiveness of accommodations already in place.
Please prepare early so that our staff have time to provide appropriate accommodations. During the renewal appointment, students will receive updated Faculty Accommodation Letters.
Please note, Accessibility Services does not mail accommodation letters. It is the student’s responsibility to follow up with Accessibility Services every semester that accommodations are requested.
Having a child go away to college can be a stressful experience for any parent, but having a child who has a disability leave for college can be especially difficulty. During this important transition, it can be helpful for parents to teach their children to be their own self-advocates regarding their education and disability accommodations. In their quest to be a self-advocate, it can be helpful for students to have a full picture of their disability. This includes:
TRIO provides comprehensive support services to eligible students to empower them to succeed in reaching their academic goals.
The Counseling Center's mission is to support student success by providing information and services related to emotional wellness.
All Pikes Peak State College students are responsible for knowing and abiding by the Code of Student Behavioral Expectations and Responsibilities (Code), formerly known as the Student Code of Conduct, in order to ensure a safe and productive learning environment for the entire college community. At PPSC, violations of the Code are handled by the Dean of Students Office.
Whether you’re a new or currently enrolled student, you can meet with one of our Career Advisors to receive detailed information on our services, as well as referrals to campus and community resources.
Whether you are just getting started, already admitted, or a continuing student, select your student type to see your next steps.
Follow step-by-step written or video instructions on how to register for classes at PPSC.
Need assistance with transcripts, transfer credit, or graduation? Our Records & Registrar office offers a wide range of services to support your academic journey.
Explore and accomplish your goals through academic advising. Whether you want to go directly into the workforce of you plan to transfer, we are here to help you gain the information you need so that you can achieve your goals and succeed at PPSC.
The Testing Center is committed to providing exceptional, accessible, and comprehensive testing services for Pikes Peak State College and the surrounding community. All tests are administered under standardized conditions that are efficient, fair, and secure.
We are here to support and empower military personnel, veterans, and their families to achieve their academic, career, and personal goals by providing quality support services and building collaborative relationships.