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Student Assistance and Travel Funds


 Pikes Peak State College is dedicated to your success. We don't want financial stressors like paying for food, hygiene, transportation, childcare, textbooks or computers to be a barrier to you reaching your goals. 

We may have scholarships or subsidy programs available to you for these specific needs. These programs are funded through your student fees.

Learn more about the funds and how to apply below. 


Student Assistance Scholarships

The Student Experience & Equity office offers scholarships to students who need additional support with basic needs, academic needs, or childcare needs. You may apply for one scholarship per semester (either Basic, Academic, or Childcare Needs).

Please note the scholarship application windows below and read the instructions at the top of the application forms carefully.

You may apply for one scholarship per semester (either Basic, Academic, or Childcare Needs). Supporting documents must be included, reflect your current financial situation, and reflect what you plan to use the scholarship for. Scholarships are offered on a first come, first serve basis until funds are exhausted. Priority will be given to first-time applications when funds are more limited. If you have any questions, please contact StudentExperience@pikespeak.edu prior to applying.

Application Windows:

  • Spring 2025 Semester – January 13, 2025 – May 17, 2025
  • Summer 2025 Semester – TBD
  • Fall 2025 Semester – TBD

Note: Application windows will open approximately a month prior to the first refund disbursement date of each semester, which occur shortly after each semester’s drop date. Scholarships cannot be disbursed prior to these dates. Please consult the academic calendar for details.

This application is to request assistance for basic needs.

We understand that pursuing education may present financial hardships. If you are experiencing difficulties meeting basic needs such as housing, food, hygiene, transportation, or other necessities, we encourage you to apply for this scholarship.

We are committed to providing support and assistance to ensure that all students can succeed academically, regardless of one's circumstances. Your application will be reviewed with understanding and compassion.

This support is open to all students attending Pikes Peak State College. Students may request up to $400 per semester. 

Basic Needs Application Form

This application is to request assistance for academic needs, such as textbooks, course materials and supplies, and any other academic items students may need for their success.

We are committed to providing support and assistance to ensure that all students can succeed academically, regardless of one's circumstances. Your application will be reviewed with consideration and compassion.

This support is open to all students attending Pikes Peak State College, and students can request up to $400 per semester. 

Academic Needs Application Form

 This application is to request assistance for childcare needs.

Student requests may not exceed 2 months per semester.

We recognize balancing the demands of education and the responsibilities of child-care can be a challenge. If you are a parent/guardian facing difficulties in accessing childcare needs while pursuing academic success, we encourage you to apply for this scholarship.

Supporting documentation is required for eligibility for this endowment (i.e. Childcare Invoices, Proof of Universal Pre-K ).

This assistance is open to all parents/guardian students attending Pikes Peak State College. Your application will be reviewed with compassion and full deliberation. 

Childcare Needs Form

Computer Subsidy Program

The Student Experience & Equity office has partnered with the PPSC Bookstore to offer a computer subsidy for students to put toward the purchase a laptop or desktop computer from the PPSC Bookstore. This subsidy is funded through a student fee. 

PPSC Students are eligible to receive a one-time, $500 subsidy toward a computer through this program.

Eligibility and Limitations*:

  • You must be actively enrolled in classes to qualify.

  • You are eligible to receive a subsidy once during the entirety of your enrollment at PPSC. Students returning to PPSC after an absence of four or more years will be evaluated for eligibility on a case-by-case basis.

  •  If you have already used financial aid to purchase a computer during the current academic year you are not eligible for this subsidy.

  • Subsidies are capped at $500 and can only be used at the PPSC Bookstore through this program. Subsidy amounts will be evaluated annually based on factors including but not limited to academic program demands, student fee revenue, and market prices.

  • Subsidies can be used for laptop and desktop computers only. They cannot be used for accessories, software, tablets, or Chromebooks.

  • The number of subsidies provided each semester will be determined by the amount of fees collected for that semester. Subsidies will be awarded until funds are exhausted.

  • You must use the subsidy during the semester in which it is awarded. If the subsidy is not used by the following dates of each semester, the credit will be removed, and a new Computer Subsidy Request Form must be submitted for a future semester.
    • Fall – November 30
    •  Spring – April 30
    • Summer – July 31

*Eligibility and limitations will be reviewed as needed to best meet the needs of our student body.

Computer Subsidy Request Forms will be opened one week prior to start of the semester. *
*Due to this being a new program, forms opened slightly later in Spring 2025.

Submission Deadlines are as follows:

  • Fall – November 1
  • Spring – April 1
  •  Summer – July 1

Submissions will be reviewed bi-weekly until the deadline is reached, or funds are exhausted.
Deadlines may be extended if funds are still available.

  1. Complete the Computer Subsidy Request Form.
  2. You will be notified via email to your student email account of your subsidy status. Upon approval, a $500 credit will be added to your account at the PPSC Bookstore.
  3. Once you are notified and the credit is added, you may purchase a computer at the PPSC Bookstore or via the online store using the subsidy.

Complete the Computer Subsidy Request Form

Contact: Please reach out to studentexperience@pikespeak.edu with any questions.

student working on laptop outside


Student Travel Grant Program

Student Travel Grants are sponsored by the Office of Student Experience & Equity. They are meant to enrich student learning with off-campus, co-curricular activities related to students' areas of study or interest.


Eligibility and Limitations

  • The Student Travel Grant Application must be completed by the PPSC faculty or staff member coordinating the trip.
  • Applicants are limited to one Student Travel Grant per fiscal year.
  • Student Travel Grants will be capped at $10,000. Requests above this amount will only be considered if your student group is representing PPSC in an official capacity, defined as receiving an award, being recognized for an accomplishment, presenting at a conference or seminar, or participating in a competition.

Student Eligibility

  • Students must be in good academic standing and actively enrolled in class(es).
  • Conduct history of participants will be checked through our Dean of Students Office. A student conduct file does not automatically prohibit participation but will be considered along with application materials.
  • The students’ areas of study/interest must be related to the purpose of the travel.

Staff Eligibility

  • The Student Travel Grant will cover costs for the Travel/Club Advisor accompanying the students on the trip, and an additional Advisor if the number of students traveling exceeds ten. 

Low-income students who demonstrate financial need may be eligible for an additional stipend to offset expenses. To qualify, students must have completed a FAFSA or CASFA and have an SAI between -1500 and 3000.

Priority Application Deadlines are as follows:

  • July 15 for fall semester travel
  • October 31 for springs semester travel
  •  March 15 for summer semester travel

Applications will be reviewed for approval and applicants will be notified within two weeks of each priority deadline. 

Applications received after priority deadlines will be considered on a case-by-case basis as funds are available. 

Within two weeks of returning, faculty/staff must reconcile travel expenses in line with PPSC fiscal policies and procedures.

*Note: For Academic Year 2024-2025 only, we will accept applications up to 30 days prior to your first date of travel.

  1. Complete the Student Travel Grant Request Form located under Forms in your employee portal.
  2. Complete an In-State or Out-of-State Travel Request Form located under Forms in your employee portal.
    1. Attach your approved Student Travel Grant Request to these forms.
  3. Other Forms, Documents, and Training (upon grant approval)
    1. Student Travel Waiver and Responsibility Agreement (per student)
    2. Student Out-of-State Travel Request & Authorization (per student, out of state only)
    3. Title IX training through HR (per student, for overnight travel only)
    4. Travel Card Application (if needed – employee only)
    5. Students receiving a stipend who are not employed by PPSC will need to complete a W9 form.


The Office of Student Experience & Equity is solely responsible for approving funds from the Student Travel Grant Program. The grant recipient is responsible for all other PPSC processes associated with student travel.

If approved the employee traveling with the students is responsible for securing lodging for overnight trips and will be reimbursed for any initial expenses after the trip occurs. Prior to making any travel arrangements, it is strongly advised that employees serving as travel advisors reach out to Kim Beesley at kim.beesley@pikespeak.edu or Lily Ryan at lily.ryan@pikespeak.edu for guidance on travel expense processes and options.

Please carefully review the Student Travel Grant Program Procedure prior to starting this process. Reach out to studentexperience@pikespeak.edu with any questions.

students outside of rampart

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