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Student Staff FAQ

Student Staff FAQ: Get the Answers You Need

Thinking about working on campus? Pikes Peak State College offers student employment opportunities that help you gain experience, build skills, and earn while you learn.

Check out our FAQ section to find answers to common questions about eligibility, job expectations, application processes, and more. If you need further assistance, Career Services is here to help!

Frequently Asked Questions

Student Staff provides jobs for undergraduates with financial need, allowing them to earn money to help pay educational expenses. In order to be employed in a Student Staff job, you must have a Student Staff award.

  • Your Student Staff award will represent the amount of money you can earn through a Student Staff job. In order to earn this award you must be employed in a Student Staff position.
  • Each Student Staff position has a wage attached to it. Most Student Staff positions are paid hourly. Student Staff positions will pay no lower than minimum wage but may be higher depending on employer, type of work, and skills required.
  • You will be paid through the College's payroll system according to the pay rate and number of hours you work. Hourly wage positions will pay every two weeks. Your wages will be drawn from your Student Staff award. You can continue to work until your award is exhausted.


Both. Most departments and offices on-campus offer Student Staff jobs. In addition, off-campus Student Staff jobs are available through the Community Service Student Staff program.


To apply for a Student Staff position, you will need to go to "Student Employment Overview." Read the information, find the job you want and then click on "Find and apply for Student Staff positions." Find the job you want and click on the "Apply for this position" button and follow directions.

Workload will vary depending on your schedule, the employer's needs, and the amount of your Student Staff award. Student Staff students typically work 15 - 20 hours per week. However some work more and some work less. Most Student Staff employers will work around your schedule; employers will never ask you to work during classes. In order to be certain you earn your entire award, you should calculate how many hours per week you will need to average, based on your pay rate and Student Staff award level.

When you have earned your entire award your Student Staff position ends.

If you do not earn your entire Fall semester award, the balance will be lost. You will still have your Spring semester award available, if you do not use the whole amount of your Spring award, that will be lost as well.

Student Staff is earned through a paycheck and paid to the student directly. It will not be paid to your student bill.

Yes. Any money received as the result of work (i.e., Student Staff employment, temporary employment on or off campus, some fellowships, etc.) is considered taxable income. You will be asked to file a withholding form (W-4) and you will receive a statement of income and taxes withheld form (W-2) each calendar year. Your taxable earnings from need-based employment must also be reported on Worksheet C of your FAFSA. Questions regarding your withholding status should be directed to the College's Payroll Office at (719)502-2600.

Chad Jacobson