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BPS - How to Submit No Shows

BPS - How To Submit No Shows

Determinations for no-shows should be made prior to the no-show due date for the part-of-term in which the course is being offered - see the instructional calendar for specific no-show due dates. For Classes that Meet In-Person:For students that fail to appear in any class meeting during the first week of classes, you should consider them a no show.

  • Class meets Monday and Wednesday, the student fails to show for the first two class meetings. The student is a no-show.
  • Class is a hybrid course that meets once a week on Thursdays, the student fails to show for the Thursday meeting during the first week and does not engage in any online activity. The student is a no-show.
  • Class is a hybrid Course that meets once a week on Tuesdays, the student fails to show for the Thursday meeting during the first week but does a complete an online activity (discussion, quiz, etc). The student is not a no-show.
  • Class meets Tuesdays and Thursdays, the student does not show up on Tuesday but does show up on Thursday during the first week of class (showed up at least once during the first week of class). The student is not a no-show.

Instructors should have a week-one assignment or discussion that is due prior to the no-show date, in order to determine if a student is a no-show. Simply accessing an online course (viewable in your class engagement tool in D2L) does not constitute participation.

  • During the first week of class, students are required to complete a discussion and a quiz - a student completes neither during the first week of classes. The student is a no-show.
  • During the first week of class, students are required to complete a discussion and two short quizzes - a student fails to complete the discussion but completes one of the two quizzes. The student is not a no-show.
  • During the first week of class, students are required to complete a discussion. The student accesses the course shell, but does not complete the discussion assignment. The student is a no-show.

Students may contact you to inform you that they will miss the first week of classes. If they do not attend or participate in the course as previously outlined, you should no-show that student. The student may always be signed back into the course after being no-showed. However, there are serious financial aid consequences if we fail to no-show a student that never attended or participated in a course.

When in doubt, you can contact your department chair for guidance or reach out to the BPS staff at BPSadmin@pikespeak.edu or call 719-502-3300

The no-show reporting process is a 2-part process. You should:1) Complete your No-Shows in Self-Service Banner (SSB)2) Submit the record of your No-Show Submission to the BPS Division D2L Shell.

Students in class learning