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Unsure Which Degree or Certificate to Pursue?

Three Steps To Exploring Academic & Career Options: 

1. Learn about Academic Programs at Pikes Peak.

2. Determine Career Options with Career Services.

3. Work with an Academic Advisor to align your career goals with an academic plan.
Explore Pikes Peak ProgramsDiscuss Options with Career ServicesCreate an Academic Plan with Your Advisor

Career Services

It's ok to start out not knowing what you want to do for the rest of your life - that's where our Professional Career Advisors come in.

Career Services has many resources to help you discover the path right for you.

Resources to Help You Reflect and Explore
  • Explore your strengths, aptitudes, and interests using the online Focus2Careers Assessment
  • Make an appointment with a Career Advisor to discuss your goals, and the degree or certificate that will get you there!
Culinary Student

What is an AA, AS, and AGS degree?

First Semester Course Recommendations:

What is an AA, AS, and AGS degree?

This general AA Degree is designed for students who know they want a degree, have an interest in transferring to a four-year college or university to earn their bachelor’s degree, but have not yet decided on a designated major or specific area of study.

AA degrees are designed for students who want a traditional liberal arts education and who intend to transfer to a four-year college or university and provide a basis of study in the areas of arts and humanities, communication, or social sciences.

Transfer colleges and universities have different transfer requirements, so course suggestions listed here are not guaranteed to transfer to a specific college or university bachelor’s degree program.

We recommend exploring the transfer plans for colleges or universities for more specific plans, and meeting with an Academic Advisor to discuss your goals, and to be informed about the course choices that may be different for the program or transfer institution you eventually choose.

Other Requirements:

  1. A minimum of 60 credit hours in a prescribed program of study with a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 (a C average). At least 15 of these credit hours must be earned from PPSC. 
  2. Only six (6) elective credits are allowed in any combination of PED courses. 
  3. Students may concentrate their study in a specialized area such as communication, journalism, or political science.  
  4. Career and technical courses, whether taken at another institution or at PPSC, are not accepted toward this degree without approval of the Vice President for Instructional Services. Approval is given only when it is appropriate to the educational objectives of a student.

The AS degree is designed for students who want an emphasis in natural sciences, mathematics, computer science, pre-engineering, and pre-allied health and intend to transfer to four-year colleges and universities.

To earn the Associate of Science Degree, students must complete the 60 semester credit hours, at least 36 of which must be Colorado State-Guaranteed Courses. Receiving institutions will accept all applicable credits earned within ten years of transfer to the receiving institution. Credits earned over ten years will be evaluated on a course-by-course basis.

 Other Requirements:

1. A minimum of 60 credit hours in a prescribed program of study with a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 (a C average). At least 15 of these credit hours must be earned from PPSC.

2.  Only six (6) elective credits are allowed in any combination of PED courses.

3.  Students may concentrate their study in a specialized area such as biology or chemistry.

4.  Career and technical education courses, whether taken at another institution or at PPSC, are not accepted toward this degree without approval of the Vice President for Instructional Services. Approval is given only when it is appropriate to the educational objectives of a student.

5. Course numbered below 100 do not apply toward degree.

The AGS degree provides and educational plan for the student to create a personalized program. It allows the blending of both career and technical and transfer courses without the constraints of specialization. Receiving institutions will accept all applicable credits earned within ten years of transfer to the receiving institution. Credits earned over ten years will evaluated on a course-by-course basis. Courses considered are college-level only (Course numbered below 100 do not apply toward degree.)

Other Requirements:

  1. 60 credit hours of course work acceptable toward the degree.
  2. A cumulative grade point average of 2.0 (a C average).
  3. At least 15 of these credit hours must be earned from PPSC.
  4. Students consult with an Academic Advisor and select 30 semester hours of open electives. Electives may include general education courses and/or career and technical education courses.
  5. You must complete at least 30 hours of approved General Education Credits. At least 15 hours must be completed at PPSC.
  6. There must be at least 15 credits of GT Pathways courses in the 60 credit hours of the degree.

First Semester Course Recommendations:

Associate of Arts (AA) Degree: 

  • for a student who wants a traditional liberal arts education
  • with a focus of the arts and humanities, communication, or social sciences, and
  • intends to transfer to a four-year college or university

Course Recommendations:

*Some students may start in college-prep support courses in Math or English. These would include:

  • AAA1009 (3)
  • ENG0094 (3)
  • MAT (recommendation of Academic Advisor)


  • ENG1021 (3)
  • ART1110, HUM1015, or PHI1011 or PHI1012 (3)
  • COM1150, COM1250, or COM2300 (3)
  • ANT1001, PSY1001, HUM1015 (3), GEO1006, or SOC1001 (3)
  • HIS1210, HIS1310, or HIS2015 (3)
  • AST1140, BIO1003, GEY1108, or ENV1010 (4-5)


  • ENG1022 (3)
  • Elective: all listed
  • Math (3): Meet with an Academic Advisor to ensure you enroll in the correct Math course based on your career and educational goals.


  • ANT1001, AST1110, or CHE1111 (4-5)

Meet with an Academic Advisor to plan your remaining courses and future semesters.

Associate of Science (AS) Degree: 

  • for a student who wants an emphasis in natural sciences, mathematics, computer science, pre-engineering, and pre-allied health, and
  • intends to transfer to a four-year college or university

Course Recommendations:

*Some students may start in college-prep support courses in Math or English. These would include:

  • AAA1009 (3)
  • ENG0094 (3)
  • MAT (recommendation of Academic Advisor)


    • ENG1021 (3)
    • ART1110, MUS1020, HUM1003, or PHI1012 (3)
    • COM1150, COM1250, or COM2300 (3)
    • ANT1001, PSY1001, or SOC1001 (3)
    • HIS1210, HIS1310, HIS2000 or HIS2015 (3)
    • MAT1240, MAT1340, MAT1440, or MAT2410 (4)


  • ENG1022 (3)
  • ECO2001, GEO1005, GEO1006, or POS2020 (3)
  • HIS1310, HIS1210, HIS218, or HIS2015 (3)
  • MAT1420  or MAT1440 
  • BIO1111, CHE1111, GEY1111, PHY1111, or ENV1111 (4-5)

Meet with an Academic Advisor to plan your remaining courses and future semesters.

Associate of General Studies (AGS) Degree: 

  • provides an educational plan for a student to create a personalized program
  • blends both career, technical and transfer courses

Course Recommendations:

*Some students may start in college-prep support courses in Math or English. These would include:

  • AAA1009 (3)
  • ENG0094 (3)
  • MAT (recommendation of Academic Advisor)


  • ENG1021 or ENG1031 (3)
  • ART1110, HUM1015, or PHI1011 (3)
  • COM1150, COM1250, or COM2300 (3)
  • HIS1310, HIS1210, or HIS2015 (3)


  • MAT (3-5): Meet with an Academic Advisor to ensure you enroll in the correct Math pre and or/or co-req courses based on your career and educational goals.
  • AST1101, BIO1111, CHE1111, GEO1011, GEY111 or PHY111 (3-5): 

Meet with an Academic Advisor to plan your remaining courses and future semesters.


Looking to Transfer?

The Colorado Community College System maintains many Transfer Agreements and Institutional Transfer Guides that allow students to smoothly transfer on to complete a bachelor's degree.

For specific information on what courses transfer to different four-year colleges and universities, visit our Planning for a Bachelor's webpage.

Academic Advising

Career Services

Academic Advising

Visit our webpage for full advising information.

You can schedule an advising appointment online through Navigate.

Phone: 719.502.3232


For the quickest service, please include your Student Number in all communications.


Centennial Campus
Room A121 Aspen Building
5675 S. Academy Blvd.

Rampart Range Campus (RRC)
Room S101
2070 Interquest Parkway

Please Note: Limited Services Available On Campus. Check our webpage for full hours.

Career Services

Visit our Webpage for career exploration resources.

Phone, virtual, and in-person appointments available through Navigate.

Phone: 719.502.2360

Email: Career@pikespeak.edu

For the quickest service, please include your Student Number in all communications.

Location: Visit us in Room A316 at the Centennial Campus.

Student and Staff at Front Desk