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Computer Science

Computer Science

Degree Type: Associate of Science Degree, AS

Pathway: Business, Technology and Public Service

More Options: Classroom Based, Remote Real-Time, Hyflex, Online, Hybrid

Program Length: 4-6 Semesters

Location: Centennial

Transferability: Transferable

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Considering a Major in Computer Science?

Please contact Monica Novack for Computer Science degree specific advising

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Computer science student

Why choose Computer Science at PPSC?

Computer Science at PPSC will take you behind the curtain, where the real computer wizardry happens. You will gain expertise in the coding that runs applications, programs and computer architecture. Computer programmers and scientists are in high demand and can have well-paying, secure careers in a field that is continuously growing and evolving.

What do PPSC Computer Science students study?

Our program allows you to learn the foundations of programming as you move toward establishing your career. Students will gain knowledge in:
  • Application Development
  • Systems Programming
  • Application Programming for Mobile Devices
  • Database Programming
  • Computer Architecture and Programming

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the Computer Science degree program, students should be able to:

  • Utilize office application software to present ideas and information clearly in digital and oral formats
  • Research and demonstrate understanding of the information technology industry standards of ethical and professional conduct
  • Collaborate effectively with others on a project in a workgroup
  • Use skills and tools necessary for current computing practices
  • Design, implement, and query relational database
teacher helping student

CSC Classes You Might Take

Computer science classes range from basic coding to advanced computer hardware.

class 1

Introduces programming and applications development for computer science.

class 2

Introduces students to the discipline of computer science and programming. Algorithm development, data representation, logical expressions, sub-programs and input/output operations using a high-level programming language are covered. Intensive lab work outside of class time is required.

class 3

Continues algorithm development and problem solving techniques not covered in Computer Science I using a high-level programming language. Students are able to gain experience in the use of data structures and the design and implementation of larger software projects. Intensive computer laboratory experience is required for this course.

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Voices of PPSC

Kimberly Moon

Voices of PPSC

There’s no point in making excuses. If you want it bad enough, you’re going to make it work. Pikes Peak State College has changed my life. That’s just a fact.

Kimberly Moon
Mother of four and future nurse

Computer Science Degree with Designation

PPSC offers an Associate of Science degree in Computer Science for students interested in pursuing higher degrees and starting their careers in computer science. 

An AS degree is designed to transfer fully to 4-year institutions. You may complete your bachelor's in Computer Science or Computer Technologies by completing courses at one of several four-year universities.

Top Transfer Institutions:

Upon completion of the Computer Science degree program, you should be able to:

  • Discuss ways in which technology and computers impacts individuals and society
  • Compare and contrast PC hardware and software systems as an informed consumer
  • Install and configure computer software/hardware programs
  • Use a computer operating system to manage files, folders, and drives
  • Search the internet for personal, academic, and business use
  • Use various communication tools for personal, academic, and business purpose
  • Use writing, financial/statistical, presentation and data collecting/organization tools


Program Plan

Math & English requirements

Program Plan

Course & Credit Hours

  • ENG 1021 English Composition I (3)

  • MAT 2410 Calculus I (5)

  • CSC 1019 Intro to Programming (3)

  • PHI 1013 Logic (3) or GT Course from AH3 or AH4

Total 14 Credit Hours

Course & Credit Hours

  • ENG 1022 English Composition II (3)

  • MAT 2420 Calculus II (5) or AS Approved Elective - See an advisor 

  • CSC 1060 Computer Science I (4) or AS Approved Elective  - See an advisor 

  • Elective - Social and Behavorial Sciences (3) -Choose GT Course from SS1, SS2, or SS3

  • COM 1150 Public Speaking (3) or COM 1250 Interpersonal Communication (3) 

Total 18 Credit Hours

Course & Credit Hours

  • CSC 1061 Computer Science I (4) -or- AS Approved Elective - See an advisor 

  • PHY 2111 Physics: Calculus-Based I with Lab (5) -or- CHE 1111 General College Chemistry I with Lab (5) -or- GT Course From SC1 or SC2

  • Elective - Arts and Humanities (3) - Choose GT Course from AH1 , AH2, AH3, or AH4

  • Elective - Social and Behavioral Sciences (3) - Choose GT Course from SS1, SS2, or SS3

  • HIS 2000 History of Science & Technology (3) or Any GT Course from HI1 

Total 18 Credit Hours

Course & Credit Hours

  • CSC 2030 C Programming: Platform (3)

  • PHY 2112 Physics: Calculus-Based II with Lab (5) or CHE 1112 General College Chemistry II with Lab -or- GT Course from SC1 or SC2

  • Elective - Arts and Humanities (3) - Choose GT Course from AH1, AH2, AH2, or AH4 

  • CSC 2025 Computer Architecture/Assembly Language Programming (4)

Total 15 Credit Hours 

Math & English requirements

MAT 1340 - College Algebra -and-

MAT 1420 - College Trigonometry -or- MAT 1440 Pre-Calculus


College readiness in English