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Veterans Upward Bound

Get Prepared for College!


Veterans Upward Bound is a federally funded college preparatory program designed to provide academic refresher training and advising to qualifying veterans who are preparing to enter post-secondary education. The program is totally FREE.

All books and classroom materials are provided. Academic instruction is available in English, mathematics, science, career advising, computer literacy, and Spanish. This program is an opportunity for veterans to re-establish fundamental ideas and study habits, which are prerequisites for successful performance at the post-secondary educational level.

Additionally, Veterans Upward Bound provides access to academic resources, employment referrals, assistance with VA benefits applications and referrals to various community assistance organizations.

Veterans Upward Bound Logo

VUB Services:

  • Basic skills development to help veterans complete a high school equivalency program and gain admission to college education programs

  • Short-term remedial or refresher classes and tutoring

  • Assistance with applications to the college or university of choice

  • Assistance with applying for financial aid

  • Personalized career counseling

  • Academic advising and assistance

  • Assistance with VA benefits applications and community assistance organizations

  • Exposure to cultural events, academic programs, and other educational activities not usually inclusive to the Veteran community

  • Employment referrals
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VUB/MVP Math and English Tutoring!

Veterans Upward Bound and Military & Veterans Programs are teaming up to provide free English and Math tutoring to all Veteran and Active Duty students! 

Dates and Times: 

January 19 - June 3 

Math: Tuesdays | 9:00-11:00am & 12:00-4:00pm
          Thursdays | 9:00-11:00am & 2:00-4:00pm

English: Mondays | 11:00am - 2:00pm

Classes are held at PPSC Centennial Campus in Room A256. Join anytime! Questions? Contact stanley.noble@csupueblo.edu for more information. 


Website: vubcolorado.com 

YouTube: Student Testimonials

Facebook: Veterans Upward Bound Facebook Page
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