Instructor Resources

BTPS Instructor Resources

The staff of the Division of Business, Technology & Public Service (BTPS) is committed to assisting instructors so that they may better serve our students. The following resources cover items with which instructors commonly need assistance. Be sure to contact BTPS staff for additional assistance.


Instructional Calendar

course two

How To's: Syllabi, No Shows, and Grades

The following links are for detailed how to's to help you with academic record completion and submissions:

How to Submit Syllabi

How to Submit No-Shows

Export Gradebook and Attendance

How to Submit Final Grades in Banner and D2L

Administrative Help

The President of PPSC has the sole authority to cancel a class. Whether an instructor has a planned or last-minute absence in teaching their course, they should follow the following guidelines to ensure that the best effort is made to find a substitute instructor:

1) Contact your department chair.

Always contact your department chair. As direct supervisors of adjunct instructors - department chairs may be able to arrange for a substitute instructor and they are the only individuals able to initiate substitute pay requests. 

2) Be sure to prepare course materials.

You should prepare a general outline of what materials or activities you planned to complete in your course for your substitute instructor. 

3) Notify your class of the substitution.

A D2L message and an email to your students are appropriate - especially if you intend to adjust instruction for the class period.


Contact BTPS

Contact BTPS staff for any questions.

Email BTPS


Instructional Resources

Instructional Services (IS) at PPSC maintains numerous instructional resources and policy guidance on its website.

Instructional Resources Site

Institutional Syllabus

 The PPSC Institutional Syllabus outlines general college academic and student policies required for all courses.

Institutional Syllabus

Instructor Pay Schedule

FY 2023-2024

Pay Schedule