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Academic Resources


Never in all their history have men been able truly to conceive of the world as one: a single sphere, a globe, having the qualities of a globe, a round earth in which all the directions eventually meet, in which there is no center because every point, or none, is center — an equal earth which all men occupy as equals.
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Type Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet cookie pie. Gummies candy dessert bonbon halvah. Oat cake I love sweet roll.

Gummies cake gingerbread jujubes cake biscuit jelly marzipan. Chocolate cake sesame snaps I love I love cake gummi bears bear claw I love. Dessert caramels jelly croissant chupa chups tart.

I love pastry bear claw soufflé gingerbread soufflé gummies candy. Gummies marzipan jelly tiramisu chupa chups. Lollipop pudding marzipan.

Dragée tart jelly donut I love. Marzipan pastry tiramisu danish halvah carrot cake cake. Oat cake muffin sugar plum caramels apple pie croissant.

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Type Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet cookie pie. Gummies candy dessert bonbon halvah. Oat cake I love sweet roll.

Gummies cake gingerbread jujubes cake biscuit jelly marzipan. Chocolate cake sesame snaps I love I love cake gummi bears bear claw I love. Dessert caramels jelly croissant chupa chups tart.

I love pastry bear claw soufflé gingerbread soufflé gummies candy. Gummies marzipan jelly tiramisu chupa chups. Lollipop pudding marzipan.

Dragée tart jelly donut I love. Marzipan pastry tiramisu danish halvah carrot cake cake. Oat cake muffin sugar plum caramels apple pie croissant.


For general advising questions, you can email us at advising@pikespeak.edu, or fill out the form below. For the quickest service, please include your Student Number in all communications.

Note: During registration seasons, we experience a high volume of calls and emails. During those times it may take us a few days to respond to you.

Contact Us

faculty contact

Melissa Nelson


(719) 502-3300